Monday, March 1, 2010

Edwin's Challange

If you knew, There is a cheat for a bow arrow. Here's How: 1.Buy a love potion 2. Go to Edwin's condo (the designer.) 3. Throw the Love potion at edwin. Here is the dialogue:

Sometimes I feel so lonely

Edwin: Alas, my heart aches for my dear sweet Collette

Edwin: Will you bring this love letter to Collette?

Edwin: She's usually in her Condo this time of day.

Then you will be given the letter.
Next, go to collette's condo and give the letter to her.

*Dialog continues*

Collette: What's this?

Collette: Ugh! How many times do I have to say NO!

Take my reply back to Edwin.

Take the note back to Edwin in his condo


My hopes are forever dashed. I have no use for love.

I hope Cupid's Bow brings you better luck.

Then you will recive a cupid's bow arrow.


1 comment:

  1. i feel so sorry for Edwin :(

    The only reason Collette hates Edwin is because-

    Look on Edwin's profile, then look at Collette. :D
